Next Sunday's Gathering: 10:00 AM @ 5315 Foothill Road x

Sending Process

We, at Reality, are captivated by Revelation 7:9, “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne.” This scene of people from every culture worshipping God moves us to see the gospel proclaimed in every people group. Our Global Vision is to seek the renewal of the least reached peoples on earth; people who have little to no access to the gospel. Everything we do in our global ministry is in pursuit of this vision.

The Sending Process is a way for the church to participate deeply and intentionally in our Global Vision. It is how we prayerfully partner with individuals, families, and teams to go out into the nations to make disciples. This process is directed by Reality’s Global Staff and carried out in conjunction with our Sending Teams—members of the church body who have a calling on their lives to mobilize, encourage and support cross-cultural workers.


The Sending Process is for those who regularly attend Reality, share our Global Vision, and demonstrate a commitment to the life of the body through relationships, service and prayer. Cross-cultural workers may be sent out as an individual, family or part of a church-planting team.


Through relationship, Reality’s Global Staff and Sending Teams partner with potential cross-cultural workers to work together in the decision-making process regarding if, where, and when to go as well as the formation of any ministry plans. To allow time for the sending process, contact us early. You do not need to have specific plans in order to begin the process. We’d like to hear from you at least:

  • 6–9 months before a commitment of less than 2 years
  • 9–12 months before a long-term (greater than 2 year) commitment

If you are interested in leading a Reality Team, contact us as soon as possible or at least 18 months before you hope to depart. Serving as a Reality Team leader requires a long-term commitment.


God uniquely calls and equips individuals and families to see the Gospel go forth for renewal amongst the least reached peoples on the earth. God is also leading Reality to discern and engage in strategic regions to send long-term teams. Whatever the exact work or specific location, the ultimate purpose is to see the Gospel advanced where there is no local indigenous church movement. There are many areas of the world that have little to no access to the Gospel. The opportunities in those areas require vast and diverse skillsets and vocations.

We are called to send those from our church body who share our vision, are relationally invested, and are going to strategic regions to advance the gospel amongst the least reached.

If you’d like to learn more, the Global Staff would love to connect with you! We’d also love to connect if you are involved in any international ministry that falls outside of this global vision to hear your story and to pray for you.