The first face of Reality Carpinteria, the Parking Team serves to welcome people to church with joy, help new people to find where they are going, and keep everyone safe as the come and go from church.
Every person attending a worship gathering is worth noticing, celebrating, and remembering. The welcome is more than friendly faces at the door. They are committed to inviting people to make themselves at home. By greeting people and remembering them from week to week, the welcome team communicates belonging to each and every person desiring to worship Jesus.
The coffee team provides more than warm beverages. They are kind and warm people who provide a place of connection and conversation for people coming to church. It is the only ministry on Sundays that provides a tangible evidence of service (a cup of coffee or tea). And let’s be honest, sometimes we all need a little caffeine in the morning.
There are many opportunities to get connected to people or resources in the church to continue growing in our walk with God outside of the Sunday gathering. The connect team is committed to helping people find what resources or opportunities are best for those trying to get further involved in the church.
Our ushers are responsible for maintaining a safe and distraction free environment so that all people can hear and receive the good news of Jesus. By helping people to find a seat in a sometimes crowded gathering, ushers help people to focus on what’s most important by taking the discomfort of looking for a seat away from those arriving to worship.