Next Sunday's Gathering: 10:00 AM @ 5315 Foothill Road x

Reality Carp Happenings



    This Sunday, February 25th our youth group is hosting a bake sale immediately after the gathering to raise support for summer camp. Join us in supporting our youth in prayer, by baking items, or donating towards their efforts towards summer camp. If you’d like to support by sending a kid to camp via scholarship, please connect with our youth director, Summer Alvarado at 


    For anyone interested in or wanting to learn more about baptism, join us for our afternoonBaptism Class at the church offices, Sunday, February 25th!
    1180 Eugenia Place, Suite 100
    Carpinteria, CA 93013

    We will be hosting baptisms on Easter Sunday, March 31st 2024. So if you have recently become a Christian or have been a Christian for a long time and have not yet been baptized, please look forward to this opportunity!

    Sign up and receive more information.


    We have various home groups that meet during the week between Carpinteria and Santa Barbara. If you desire to grow in discipleship with Jesus, we encourage you to join a group!

    “Each one must give as 
    he has decided in his heart, 
    not reluctantly or under compulsion, 
    for God loves a cheerful giver.
    And God is able 
    to make all grace abound to you, 
    so that having all sufficiency 
    in all things at all times,
    you may abound in every good work.”
    2 Corinthians 9:7-8
