
Who are you pursuing? And who is God pursuing? On Sunday, Pastor Adam taught from Acts 8:26-40 about a deacon named Philip’s Spirit-filled encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch. If you were unable to join us last weekend, check out the sermon below.


It’s the last Thursday of the month! Which means it’s our monthly giving and receiving opportunity with the SB Food Bank. If you are in need of fresh produce or dry goods, everyone in the community is welcome to this event. Join us at our regular Sunday location from 4pm to 5:30pm or when food runs out (which ever is sooner) for free food.

If you would like to volunteer with us and distribute food, please join us at 3:15pm for setup and prayer. We are also always looking for bilingual (English/Spanish) speakers to help with translation, so please consider serving in this way!

Date: Thursday, July 25th
Distribution: 4pm – 5:30pm
Volunteer Meet Time / Setup: 3:15pm
5315 Foothill Road 
Carpinteria, CA 93013


Thank you to everyone who joined us for Sky Zone,
our Franklin Trail hike, and a day at the zoo!
We’re looking forward to these opportunities planned for the month of August, and we are excited to see you there! You’re welcome to invite others too!

04-August – Church Picnic 🍉10-AugustMorning Hike Meetup ☀️🥾14-AugustGolf-N-Stuff 17-AugustBeach Day 26-AugustFamily Park Day 🌳

To stay up-to-date on church events, please view our calendar on Church Center, here.


If you or someone you know has misplaced an item, come by the Connect Tent on Sundays and possibly reunite!

You can also call or text the main office line at 805-684-5247 or email info@realitycarp.com and inquire during the week.

“Each one must give as 
he has decided in his heart, 
not reluctantly or under compulsion, 
for God loves a cheerful giver.
And God is able 
to make all grace abound to you, 
so that having all sufficiency 
in all things at all times,
you may abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
