We gather every Sunday because we believe the presence of Jesus is the most beautiful thing in Carpinteria, the coastlands, and the nations. Sundays are at the heart of our life together, a time to connect with each other and, ultimately, to encounter the beauty of Jesus through worship, the word of God, and prayer. Whether you’re a longtime follower of Jesus or just curious about the Christian faith, you are welcome here.

Join Us This


10:00 AM

Pre Gathering


9:15 AM

We gather for worship every Sunday at 5315 Foothill Rd., Carpinteria, CA

Worship Together

Worship is about celebrating and centering our lives on what we love most. We believe that God alone is worthy of all our utmost affection and attention, so we begin and end our time by singing and celebrating Him together.

Welcome One Another

A church is not a place or an event. A church is a people; God's people. Entrance into the church is not achieved by us but received by us on the basis of what Christ has accomplished. Since we have been accepted in this community by grace, we welcome one another as Jesus has welcomed us.

Give Together 

Our money flows freely towards the things that we love. As a church, we give because of the grace and generosity God has given us. We are not under compulsion to give; instead, we should offer cheerfully what God has placed on our hearts. If you would like to give to the church’s work, you can do so on Sundays or online by clicking the link below.

Learn Together

We believe that the Bible is God’s word, authority for all life and practice, a library of writings that together tell a unified story, which leads us to Jesus. In reading and exploring the Bible, we expect to be surprised, healed, challenged, and changed. 

Receive Together

Jesus is always calling us and inviting us to walk with Him and follow Him. One way we respond to Jesus on Sundays is through taking the Lord’s supper by partaking of the bread, signifying Christ’s broken body, and the cup, representing His blood shed for our forgiveness. If you have put your faith and trust in Jesus, we have an opportunity to receive communion every Sunday.

Respond Together

Every encounter with God invites a response. As we hear about and experience who God is and what He has done for us in Jesus, we are invited to believe, receive and act. In response, we have an extended time of musical worship, where we sing to God and pray by simply talking to Him about what he has spoken to us. The Prayer Team is also available to pray for you during the latter part of our service, bringing your requests to God on your behalf.